1. Buy compartmentalized lunch boxes (i.e. bento box) and have the goal of trying to make the compartments as colorful and appetizing as possible.
2. Listen to what your kids want and then come up with healthy solutions. For example, M wanted cookies in his lunch so I bought cookie cereal- this way his "treat" is actually fortified with vitamins and minerals.
3. Buy vegitarian main dish options like Morningstar Farms. They do NOT need to be heated so they can go straight from freezer to lunchbox.
4. Variety is key. If you're not sure whether your child will eat the main dish you chose pack a back-up main. Same for fruits or vegis. Kids are mood-driven eaters so their tastes may change from day to day.
5. Double dip. If you're making spaghetti and meatsauce for dinner, make extra spaghetti to pack in their lunch the next day.

Proteins keep them full and focused. Try to incorperate as much as possible.

Worried your kid wont eat their vegis? Add some fruit to the compartment to give them more taste and color.
The sweet potatoes in this pic are Trader Joes brand and have 50% vitamin A (vegi vitamin)!!